March UNLIMITED Yoga Pass
March UNLIMITED Yoga Pass
March UNLIMITED Yoga Class Pass
5 Sunday Classes
4 Tuesday Classes
4 Wednesday Classes
4 Thursday Classes
17 Classes! $150 Investment ($340 value at $20 each) Come to as many as you like with the Unlimited Pass.
Weekly Classes are:
Tuesday & Thursday 6:30-8:30 am MYSORE STYLE Self-Practice with personalized instruction
Wednesday 5:30-6:45 pm FUNDAMENTALS OF YOGA & MOVEMENT
Sunday 8-9:30 am ASHTANGA - Primary Series
For more info on classes see our Yoga page or call Colee at 808-443-1979
Drop-in classes $20
March Monthly Unlimited $150
Note: Full Moon March 13 - Thursday Restorative Breathing, Movement, and Asana 6:30am-8:30am Come and go as you like. Join for full practice or come for what your schedule allows.
New Moon March 29th - Saturday - no scheduled class