Classes Resume Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Classes held at Yoga Centered resume on Wednesday evening, January 1st, with Fundamentals of Yoga and Movement from 5:30 to 6:45 pm. And the new year yoga schedule continues to be: Tuesday and Thursday morning Mysore Style Practice 6:30 - 8:30 am, Sunday Led Primary Series 8-9:30am, and Wednesday Fundamentals 5:30-6:45pm.
NEW CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT! Colee is now teaching a Hatha Flow Class based in Ashtanga Yoga, beginning January 1, Wednesdays 9-10:30am at Hot Yoga Hilo (soon to be Yoga Oasis). Please register for this class on their website.
For classes held at Yoga Centered register here on our shop page.
in-person & Virtual yoga schedule
with colee garr
Sundays: Primary Series
8:00 -9:30 AM IN PERSON
come early for opening chants & pranayama
Tuesdays: Mysore Morning Program: Developing Your Personal Practice
6:30 AM: IN-PERSON: all levels
Wednesday: Fundamentals of Asana & Movement
5:30 -6:45 PM IN-PERSON & VIRTUAL all levels
Thursdays: Mysore Morning Program: Developing Your Personal Practice
6:30 AM Start IN-PERSON all levels
In-Person Yoga Classes are held at
Yoga Centered
27 Waiānuenui Ave, Suite 202 Hilo, HI
2nd floor, go up the golden staircase
Kalei Rivas, our boy,
in Sirsasana at Yoga Centered;
new home of morning yoga offerings from Hilo Shala
mahalo nui loa to Molly & the crew at Yoga Centered
for hosting our program
In-Person & virtual Yoga Class descriptions
Sundays : Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga : 8-9:30 am : All Levels
Sunday Primary Series are held IN-PERSON every week unless otherwise noted. All levels yet for those who want to breathe & move in a meditative way. Led Primary Series, Yoga Chikitsa, aims to deepen our understanding of vinyasa, tristhana (the internal forms of the practice), rhythm, and community. It infuses practitioners with insight, energy, and inspiration. This class is movement meditation rooted in breath and stoked by awareness!! Sunday class begins with seated meditation, fundamental openings, and/or pranayama. This is a led class with a set series however all bodies and levels are welcome and encouraged with modifications offered. If you are new to yoga, you are invited to come for the beginning of the class and take rest when you are ready to end; building endurance up overtime with no pressure to stay for the entire class. Begin where you are, come as you are. Come to in-person class as early as 7:40AM. Please be ready for practice by 8am to begin our flow on time, thank you. We breathe and jump into the stream of consciousness. Let this be medicine for you, the mind, body, and spirit. Listen deeply. Let’s practice.
Developing your personal practice
Tuesdays & Thursdays: Mysore Yoga Program 6:30-8:30 AM IN-PERSON at Yoga Centered
Developing Your Personal Practice with Personalized Guidance & Adjustments. Class begins at 6:30AM with chanting & pranayama. 7am asana practice begins. If you are new to the practice then you will led individually and taught the sun salutations and closing postures. For those who have an established practice you may continue on from here and close when you are done. Colee will give verbal and physical adjustments, as well as guidance on new postures you may be ready to or want to add into you current series/practice. Closing Prayer is at 8:25AM for those who are still in the room. Please come clean with mat, hand towel, props that you may need, and mysore rug or a towel for your mat if you get sweaty.Class begins at 6:30AM Hawaii time with opening discourse on the aspects of practice we will root in during our weeks together. Then an asana class: led sun salutations, standing series, and closing postures. You may be adding on every week or simply staying with the opening basics. This will depend on the state of the practitioner. Does it feel right to add more? Or to steep in the lessons of the first class? None-the less, the expectation of the practitioner is to practice what they learned 2-4 more times during the week. I will give verbal adjustments, as well as guidance on new postures you may be ready to or may want to add into your current series. The IN-PERSON Mysore Intensive will focus on the continuation of developing each person’s current practice. or text me: 808-443-1979
fundamentals of yoga & movement
Wednesdays 5:30-6:45 PM Focus is on exploring the body's range of motion, developing breath capacity and unraveling from the external body to the self within! YES!! This practice is rooted in witnessing & experiencing breathing as a means of staying present, mindful, and alert. All asanas (postures) and mobility exercises are taught from the foundation up. This is an all levels class, no experience necessary to participate. All postures have modifications and are used to fit the individual needs of the student. A GREAT class for beginners and those who feel stiff yet hungry for knowledge and change. Let’s activate.
moon restorative Yoga:
Moon restorative yoga with Colee Garr. These classes are announced ahead of time through our newsletter & social media.
Full & New Moon are rest days from the Ashtanga Yoga Asana series. In lieu of morning class, a restorative practice is offered. Sitting meditation, asana (posture), chanting, and relaxation are core subject matter for this class. Learn different ways to relax and restore the body and its systems, and how to integrate these tools into your self-care routine. This is an invitation to tune into the moon cycles and how they effect the internal landscape. All hearts welcome.
private iNSTRUCTION & CONSULTATIONS with Colee Garr both in-person & virtual
Taking time to develop a yoga practice is a gift for you and all the systems of the body. Colee has been helping folks do this for 24 years. To embody a yoga practice is like taking a course on awareness; a systematic step-by-step unfolding of you. The teaching is customized to your needs and tailored your current state of mind and body, and intention for practice. First we establish a solid foundation and grow intelligently from there. Yoga poses, sequences, modifications and/or variations are introduced systematically and individually in proportion to your capability, enthusiasm, and present needs. This one-on-one attention allows you to develop your awareness without neglecting weak areas or indulging in strong ones.
be at ease and arrive in your current form and ability. we will methodically develop a practice that you can do by yourself at home. absolutely no experience needed to begin.
call to set up a session or for any questions.
a little adjustment goes a long way
poorna bhujangasana - kalei & coco
join us for in-person & virtual workshops announced in love letter & social media
restorative yoga
special classes announced ahead of time. held on the full & new moon - set aside time to restore health, to do something that makes you feel better, renewed. it’s a gift to your body and it’s systems.
Colee Garr is co-owner of Hilo Yoga Shala & Bodywork on the Big Island of Hawai’i. She is a dedicated yoga practitioner of 26 years and a teacher of 25 years.
She teaches Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga & Movement Fundamentals, Restorative Yoga, and Pranayama (breath work). All with focus on developing a tailored practice based on each student’s needs and intention. She gives individualized attention to alignment, encouraging and challenging each student to grow and deepen their personal yoga practice through a series of asanas (yogic postures) and breathing practices. She believes that this development reaches beyond physicality, and holistically embraces the human, individually and collectively.
In addition to her Ashtanga and Iyengar training, Colee studied Therapeutic Yoga in Dehradun, Marma Point Massage in Dharmsala and Thai Massage in Pai, Thailand. She also has a rich background in music and dance, and continues to study the body, yoga, dance, & voice with professional teachers on & off the island. Beyond her love for yoga, music, and dance, she is raising Kalei & Valentino, two beautiful boys with Armando Rivas, life partner and co-owner of Hilo Yoga Shala.