Love. Keep it simple. Practice. Have Fun.
New Year’s Eve 2023
was BEAUTIFUL at home in Papaikou.
It went like this with some reoccurring thoughts:
Keep it Simple.:)
Have Fun. :)
Clean everything.
Cold plunge with ohana.
Express Musically.
Make peace with divine timing. ;)
Value all of the experiences of the past
and practice having gratitude. :)
Take a picture of the evening after
soaking & prayers.
Reunite with Armando & Kalei.
Celebrate, and Talk Story.
And Hug.
Happy New Year Ya’ll.
It was a peaceful non-stop silliness with Tino. The week off from teaching has been restorative. And the stillness. The quiet. Then our energies, all connected again, bouncing off of one another. It was great. I am so proud of both Kalei and Armando as they forge ahead and make steps on the North Shore path. Their stories are endless. They had huge experiences, huge waves, stormy waves, freight training barreling waves…all kind.
Armando had great bodywork sessions with some characters full of love and appreciation for the touch, release of discomfort/pain, humor, and guidance. Kalei trained, competed, and grew. The open men’s contest…THE WAVES WERE HUGE!! For the 14 and under the waves were few and stormy. Kalei advanced thru one round in each division. Great success. And he knows the decisions he made had consequences; knocked out in the next rounds. I am proud of Kalei period. He represents himself out there and his connection to Mama ocean; it is so personal and I am in awe. You are the magic mi hijo.
May Armando and I be graceful and trust in divine timing. I will encourage Kalei to trust deeply in his intuition until IT is what he hears more than any other voice.
Tino fell hard for diving! He flies! He has so much power he hasn’t even begun to unleash. It’s exciting to see him lit up. We had a great full week. It was all the endings, there was more than I thought.
My heart is filled with the deepest gratitude. This is an abundant life we are living. I wanted to send a short and sweet Happy New Year love note and invite you to come to class! I better do that and save the story share for another time.
It was great practicing next to Armando today. I got excited for YOU morning folks to practice with the community again and bring in the new day with breath, focus, and love.
Read on for buttons to push, pictures of family, sweet quotes from the latest inspiration. Keep your eyes out, some great events and workshops are coming up!
Sweet dreams and good risings. And thank you; this is full circle; I appreciate you.
“May your heart be sealed with a peace so deep not even the most beautiful thought could describe it.” -Stephen Sainato
Morning self-practice tomorrow 6:30am-8:30am! Open start time. Chanting and pranayama, & asana session. We will be in the presence of inspiration together…AUM.
Happy New Year!
colee, armando, kalei, and tino
“Love, planted those desires tucked into the deepest chamber of your heart; they are part of a higher purpose and destined to be made manifest. Release all fear, lose all inhibition, and RISE UP, in consciousness…” - Stephen Sainato
Stay Committed.
Be courageous.
Be Still. Be Free.
Practice Gratitude.
when it gets sticky, work it out.
move out the fuzz.
get curious.
be courageous.
shala life hawaii
we offer support with bodywork and
in developing a yoga or movement practice